Monday, August 30, 2010

The Power of the PCC

By Keith Ballard, FCi Production Scheduler and Kentuckiana PCC Programs Director

What is a PCC you ask? Founded in 1961, the Postal Customer Council is a group of USPS Officials and industry leaders who serve to bridge the communication gap and foster educational and networking opportunities between the Postal Service and the mailing community. There are more than 200 local PCC chapters with approximately 100,000 members across the nation. You can bet there is one in your area that would welcome your participation.

I have been involved with the Kentuckiana PCC since 1990 and more recently as Special Events Coordinator and Programs Director on the Executive Board since 2008. Our goal has been to take the PCC to new heights and give our 800+ members value and the education needed in the tough economy we are all facing. Due to the never-ending amount of USPS changes and new regulations, we are increasing our general meetings to 6 per year and have added additional programs to the traditional 2 seminars per meeting. Our next meeting will be PCC day on 9/15/10 and will include 3 seminars from USPS Headquarters. Most of our seminars are custom designed by our Industry members or USPS presentations only offered at the National Postal Forum. You will be allowed time to socialize and network with your peers while being served a catered lunch from Bootleg BBQ. We will wrap up with a webcast of Postmaster General Jack Potter spelling out his challenges and plans to transform the Postal Service, and end the day with tours of our local USPS facility. This is a great way to see the USPS machines in action and know what happens to the mail after it leaves your hands. Our Annual Membership is free and everyone is invited to attend this action packed event at a cost of $25.00 per person.

The PCC is beneficial to FCi and everyone who mails and could not exist without your involvement. So I encourage you… PLEASE BE INVOLVED. Every member makes a difference to refine, change, or voice your opinion to the USPS industry. FCi, as a member, has been able to keep up with major USPS changes to remain postal compliant through the PCC’s education programs. FCi also maximizes the best postal discounts and efficiencies from mailpiece creation to output with our participation in many other workshops and key PCC events. Please visit our website at or contact me at for more information about the Kentuckiana PCC. Other areas may contact your local post office for a chapter nearest you.

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